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2020 Archives - Important Notices Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Posted January 21, 2021

Last updated November 19, 2020
Hale Makua Health Services has received confirmation that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19 at the Kahului facility. The staff person last worked on Tuesday, November 17, and is currently in isolation at home.
Hale Makua facilities continue to closely follow their infection control guidelines and protocol by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health (DOH) and Healthcare Association of Hawaii (HAH). In addition, the facilities administer routine, mandatory antigen testing of all staff as required by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Due to the current positivity rate on Maui, mandatory testing of all staff is occurring monthly. All residents and staff are being tested and re-tested this week to ensure no spread has occurred throughout Hale Makua’s campus. Everyone will be routinely tested over the next 14 days until all results are returned negative for COVID-19. An update will be sent out as it becomes available.
Hale Makua Kahului Administrator, Teana Kaho‘ohanohano comments, “Our first priority at Hale Makua is always the safety and care of our residents and staff. As soon as we are notified of a confirmed positive case, we immediately call families of residents. Additionally, we take our responsibility to our Maui community seriously and make sure to report any positive cases to the public as soon as possible. Although it is not required, we find it important to share COVID-19 updates publicly to keep our families and community safe and healthy during this pandemic.”
Kaho‘ohanohano continues, “I want to thank the leadership and all staff at Hale Makua for their continued dedication during this battle against COVID-19. Although this fight has been ongoing for almost nine months now, our team continues to provide excellent care to our residents and has gone above and beyond to keep them happy, healthy and safe. With the holidays upon us, now is not the time to let our guards down. As a tight knit Maui community, we must stay strong and continue all COVID-19 precautions and take care of each other.”
We will continue to implement the following precautions:
• Staff and essential vendors are screened for any COVID-19 symptoms including fever prior to entering the campus. In addition, every person is asked a set of screening questions to ensure least risk of exposure.
• All employees are required to wear appropriate PPE including face masks and face shields.
• In-person, outdoor family visits have been suspended until further notice. Virtual visits and calls are encouraged at this time.
• High touch surfaces are disinfected frequently.
• Physical distancing is required throughout the facility.
In addition, we have a separate set of guidelines for our home health employees and patients. Hale Makua would like to thank the community for the continued cooperation, support and positive thoughts during this time.
Last updated October 14, 2020
COVID-19 has made the world and healthcare very different and has changed the way we deliver care to our residents. We feel it, too. We are also in influenza season, another disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another. Our goal is to support our residents and their families while they are here and prevent either illness from affecting them and our healthcare team.
Some basic information about COVID-19 and the flu:
• Both are respiratory illnesses caused by viruses. The viruses are transmitted mostly by drop-lets in the air that land in your eyes, nose or mouth.
• You are most likely to get it when you are in close contact with an infected person who sneezes, coughs or even talks.
• Touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth is another way you might get infected.
• Both diseases share common symptoms: fever, chills, cough, fatigue, body aches, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
• Unlike the flu, COVID-19 can also cause difficulty breathing and a loss of taste and/or smell.
Strategies staff use to help keep residents safe:
• Go through a screening process and temperature check before every shift.
• Take routine tests for COVID-19.
• Wash hands before and after caring for residents.
• Wear a mask and face shield to provide care. In some situations, we might also wear gloves and/or a gown.
• Try to maintain a safe distance whenever possible.
• Clean and disinfect equipment between uses.
• Keep resident’s room clean and disinfect high touch surfaces.
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