Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
April 30, 2010
Introduction to Luana Presenation
If you’d like a refresher on what Luana is about or on the Eden Alternative Principles, on which Luana was founded, checkout this presentation: Introduction to LuanaView more presentations fr...
April 29, 2010
A Beautiful Day at the Beach
Residents go holo holo for a picnic at Laniupoko Beach Park today and enjoyed the glorious weather and beautiful ocean. A couple of tourists were enjoying the beach and decided to give the resident...
April 29, 2010
Our Resident Green Thumb
Resident Bruno Wong is the one who keeps the gardens in the East Neighborhood beautiful and thriving! He tends to the herb, fruit and vegetable garden where the soy beans, strawberries, tomatoes, c...
April 27, 2010
Youth Group Performs for Residents
Kids from the Christ is King Church performed for Hale Makua Kahului residents this past Saturday. Residents enjoyed a program filled with singing, music and dance.
April 23, 2010
Eden Alternative Tip of the Week: Being a Worldmaker
“Worldmaker” is a phrase often used in the Eden Alternative Philosophy. It speaks to how each person that encounters the Elder helps to create the world they live in each day. This is...
April 23, 2010
Grandchildren Bring Joy & Laughter
Today as I walked into the Aloha Cafe I could hear Mrs. Otome Miyahira counting and laughing out loud when I looked over I saw another resident’s (Shigeko Nemoto) greatgrandson, Micha, roll...
April 21, 2010
Staff Share Luana Stories
Beth Poe shared that residents Ronald Iramata and Bruno Wong help other residents sign-in to the Maintenance Exercise Program in the mornings. They also help out by getting the sign-up area setup a...
April 20, 2010
Watching the Fishes Swim
This afternoon resident Lucy Demello and volunteer Sharloma Cleveland take a moment to watch the fishes swim at Hale Makua Kahului’s fish pond and waterfall.
April 20, 2010
Residents Learn About Diabetes
Residents gathered in the Aloha Cafe this afternoon to learn more about healthy foods for diabetics. Guest speaker, Linda Powley, from Kaiser Permanente came to educate and answer questions.