Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
May 31, 2010
Eden Alternative Tip of the Week: The Origins of Memorial Day
Remembrances are an important part of our lives. Many homes have remembrance or Memorial Gardens to honor those that are and have lived in the home. It is so important that we have a national hol...
May 27, 2010
Ukulele Lessons & Sing Along
This afternoon residents enjoyed playing the ukulele and singing along with Auntie Penny in the nice, cool breeze under the umbrellas of Hale Makua Wailuku.
May 27, 2010
Resident Portrait Series
I’ve been thinking about doing a series of resident portraits snapped while they’re doing meaningful, fulfilling activities that bring them joy. I took this one this afternoon while he ...
May 27, 2010
Wii Have Fun
Residents have begun competing with each other and our volunteers in Wii sports and games. Peter is shown here shooting pool.
May 24, 2010
Eden Alternative Tip of the Week
Principle Three: Loving companionship is the antidote to loneliness. Elders deserve easy access to human and animal companionship. Principles Three, Four, and Five are called the “antidote&...
May 20, 2010
Minute to Win It Competition
Teams made up of residents and staff have a blast competing against each other in the Minute to Win It games during National Nursing Home Week.
May 20, 2010
Residents Reign Over May Day Program
Residents Ali and Bruno preside over this year’s Hale Makua Kahului May Day program as Queen and King.Resident Wally dances with staff.
May 20, 2010
Going Holo Holo for a Picnic
On Tuesday Wailuku residents drove out to Lahaina to enjoy the sun and surf, and to have a lovely picnic at the beach.Residents enjoyed beautiful weather at Launiupoko beach in Lahaina (in red Pet...
May 17, 2010
May Day is Lei Day in Wailuku
Hale Makua Wailuku closes out their National Nursing Home Week festivities with the annual May Day for residents. This year’s King and Queen were Chico (John) Cruz and Eileen Kailihou.Darryl ...
May 13, 2010
Room with an Asian Flair
Resident Emma Lee pictured with her daughter Stephanie in her beautifully decorated room with Asian accents.