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2021 Ohana Week Celebrations


May 9th - 15th was National Nursing Home Week!  This year, we wanted to celebrate a little differently by honoring all the people that make Hale Makua exceptional, so we turned Nursing Home week into "Ohana Week". Each day we dressed up in fun themes like superhero, beach, wacky, sports, and May Day. Each day our Activities departments put on fun activities and entertainment, and staff and residents got to enjoy some yummy treats. On Wednesday, we held a video call with all of our fellow OPH ohana around the state, and they sang Happy Birthday to Hale Makua in honor of our 75th anniversary. 

Nurses week also coincided around the same time, and at Hale Makua we honored our nurses on Tuesday, May 11th during our Ohana Week celebration. Our residents trust our nurses with their lives, and we appreciate our nursing staff for their commitment to providing quality and compassionate care.

Check out our Facebook and Instagram for pictures from our Ohana Week festivities, and watch a video highlighting all the fun we had.

Tags: Activities, Employees