Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
2022 Sentry Tournament of Champions
Posted January 10, 2022

It was a beautiful week at the Sentry Tournament of Champions which ran from January 5th - 9th at the Plantation Golf Course in Kapalua. Thanks to our volunteers comprised of staff, family, friends, and community supporters, we provided over 300 volunteer hours during the tournament and helped pick up trash throughout the golf course, cleaned skyboxes, and provided other services and amenities.
A very warm mahalo to all of you who volunteered at the tournament to help support Hale Makua at this event. Also mahalo to the local vendors who helped provide donated goods and services: TJ Gomes Trucking, Island Freight Services, Kahului Florist, Matson Navigation, Maui Chemical, Friends & Faire, and VIP Foodservice.
We are proud to share that tournament organizers were very impressed and grateful with the quality work Hale Makua provided thanks to everyone who helped. We look forward to seeing you all at next year’s event!