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Adult Day Health Temporarily Closed


In order to ensure the safety and protection of our Adult Day Health clients and staff during the global outbreak of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we are following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as the Department of Health regarding this virus. 

The elderly and immunosuppressed in particular are at extremely high risk for complications with the flu, COVID-19 and viruses in general.  Therefore we have made the decision that effective Monday, March 9, 2020, we will be closing Adult Day Health by Hale Makua until further notice. 

As we continue to closely monitor this emerging outbreak, we are grateful for your assistance in helping to prevent the spread of infection and protect our kūpuna.

Follow Hale Makua on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the most current information.

Last Updated on 03/06/2020


Tags: Adult Day Health