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Click for more infoCertified Eden Associate Grads
Posted June 05, 2014
Congratulations to the care partners listed below who completed Certified Eden Associate training last week. These care partners completed an intensive 3 day course on the ideas and strategies of person-centered care created by the Eden Alternative. In total, 219 Hale Makua care partners have attended the CEA training.
Since 2009, Hale Makua Health Services has continued to be the only Eden Registered home in the State of Hawaii. Eden Registry Members form a dedicated group of change agents committed to creating vibrant, life-affirming environments, where each person matters and everyone has opportunities for growth, regardless of age or abilities.
Hale Makua Health Services' goal is to have all employees complete Certified Eden Associate training. This illustrates Eden Alternative Principle 10: Wise leadership is the lifeblood of any struggle against the three plagues. For it, there can be no substitute.