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Crowning of a new Hale Makua Miss Sweetheart

 Miss Day Health is crowned this year’s Miss Valentine’s Sweetheart by Activities Director Teresa Lopes
On February 14th, Hale Makua Kahului held their third annual Miss Sweetheart Pageant. A total of eight contestants represented each of Hale Makua Kahului’s six neighborhoods as well as Adult Day Health and the Activities department. Each contestant was escorted down the red carpet by CEO and Kahului Administrator, Tony Krieg. All of the ladies looked exceptionally lovely in beautiful dresses, coiffed hair and adornments in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Miss Day Health tossed heart shaped chocolates to her adoring fans.

Contestants were asked “what does love mean to you?” Responses varied from caring for someone special to the wonderful care received from the caregivers at Adult Day Health. Emcee Brian Nagami joked that the swimsuit portion of the competition was held earlier. While the judges made their final selections for this year’s winners, Dani Waring and Brian Nagami sang a beautiful duet in honor of Valentine’s Day and the Activities team danced the Electric Slide.

Second runner up was Miss Activities, Juanita Blair. First runner up was Delores Witter, representing the West Neighborhood. The winner and 2011 Miss Valentine’s Sweetheart was Miss Day Health, Jean Kenar. Jean was born in Detroit, Michigan on December 27, 1924. She has been married for 64 years, has four children and many grandchildren. She enjoys cooking, gardening, baking, making plastic canvas ceramics, playing pinochle, ballroom dancing and traveling.

A special mahalo to Shannon Loo and Koa Simarago for generously donating their time and talents to transform the Aloha Café into a gorgeous Valentine’s Day catwalk complete with feathers and balloons.

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