Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
From the Desk of Barbara Nobriga
Posted September 28, 2013

I have been a client at Adult Day Health by Hale Makua for two years, and I love it! Whenever I meet my friends I tell them my story and my association with Adult Day Health, and the wonders of living again.
After suffering three life-threatening falls since 2010, my last fall in 2011 put me in the hospital for six weeks and for two weeks at Hale Makua Long Term Care for physical therapy. My family decided to apply to Adult Day Health. I was unable to walk or care for myself or fix my meals. I was in a wheelchair. I had to leave my home to live with my daughter and her family. I was alone during the day and needed an adult to stay with me. For my family’s peace of mind I went willing to Adult Day Health and never regretted it.
In 2010, my first fall caused by diabetic shock put me in the hospital for a long time and I do not remember most of my time there. I had kidney failure and needed to do dialysis three times a week. After discharge, I went to live with my daughter and Home Health by Hale Makua came to help me with my therapy.
In 2011, I stumbled and fell in my kitchen, hitting my head and causing a concussion. After my stay in the hospital, I needed therapy from Home Health by Hale Makua again. I was then able to take care of myself without too much help.
Within a year, I had surgery to check an artery that was clogged, outfitted with a pace maker and suffered a heart attack. I recovered and was doing well.
In 2012, I fainted at the top of the stairs to the garage at my daughter’s house, landing face down under the car. The pacer recorded the blackout; I broke my left arm, hurt my back, and had a hard time walking and using my legs. My feet could not hold up my body, I was so weak. I needed surgery to fix my arm, because of my age and poor health; I opted not to do it. I live with the pain and do therapy.
In 2012, circulation in my right hand was bad. My index finger became infected and my baby finger became gangrene. Both had to be amputated. It happened a year and a half ago. I am using my hand as much as I can.
I have thrived on the love and care from these six women who come to work loving every minute of their time with us. They treat us as family and we love it. I know they love it because they will burst into song and dance taking a minute to enjoy the moment.
One of these women is Rene Akina our supervisor. She is worth her weight in gold. She is my healer, my friend, a very good listener and problem solver. She is my salvation. She is the only one who listens to my gripes, whining and complaints. She solves my health problems, understands what I am trying to say, with knowledge and patience. She saved me from having my legs amputated in August 2013.
I had been complaining for a week that my legs were sore and numb. At home we were treating this as cramps. After sitting down with Rene, she got on the phone with the dialysis people. She decided to call my daughter to take me to the ER. My daughter checked with my doctor and he advised her to take me to the ER right away. Once there it became a “here today, gone tomorrow” situation. I was diagnosed with blood clots in my legs and needed surgery to pump medicine into my arteries. It took two times in the operating room to clear the clots. After a week I was released and back at Adult Day Health, back to activities that give me a quality of life I would not be able to enjoy just staying at home alone, answering the phone every half hour from people checking on me.
At Adult Day Health everyday is full of activity, at least for me. If it slows down, I practice the piano, which is provided for our use just outside of our doors. I play hanafuda cards with my right hand against my left, it keeps me sharp.
I was active all my life. Raised five wonderful children, I have a famous and handsome husband. I worked for 30 years before retiring from the Social Security System in 1987. I had lots of hobbies, dressmaking, Hawaiian Quilting, piano and crafts. I did not pass my drivers exam so shopping is not one of them.
Our exercise room consists of pulleys, arm and foot pedal exercisers, stairs and walking bars. We also have barbells and sticks. We do a lot of walking to benefit our shoulders, hips, arms, legs, knees, and feet. We also do exercises in a chair, which benefits the whole body.
After 10 months of therapy, I left the wheelchair for a walker. I use the wheelchair if I have a long way to go.
Look at me know, I look healthy due to God’s goodness, the care and love of my family, following doctor’s orders, and Adult Day Health by Hale Makua.
I have a good medical plan and retirement plan. I am very fortunate to afford these services.
It would be a great loss to the community to lose Hale Makua due to lack of financing. We all deserve the quality of life offered. We do not spend this time of our lives, waiting to die, but living until we die. Life is beautiful!
IMUA O’HALE MAKUA! May you be here for generations to come.