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Gardener Cultivates Our Human Habitat
Posted October 04, 2013

Meet Tamotsu Tasaka. He greatly enjoyed raising orchids and vegetables in his garden at home. As he adjusted to living at Hale Makua, Mr. Tasaka found that he could continue being a gardener by taking care of the flowers in the East Neighborhood. His wife takes him to visit his garden at home, but he always wants to come back and take care of his garden at Hale Makua too.
Mr. Tasaka's gardening illustrate Eden Alternative Principle #2: “An Elder-centered community commits to creating a human habitat where life revolves around close and continuing contact with plants, animals, and children. It is these relationships that provide the young and old alike with a pathway to a life worth living.” and Principle #4: “An Elder-centered community creates opportunity to give as well as receive care. This is the antidote to helplessness.”