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Hale Makua Helps Support Maui’s Student Nurses at Ball Drop Fundraiser
Posted November 09, 2020

On November 6, the Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation held its first “Ball Drop Fundraiser” to help raise funds for Maui’s student nurses. Supporters in attendance included Hale Makua and Maui Health Systems. The event was held outdoors at the Dunes at Maui Lani golf course with a limit of 35 participants due to County COVID-19 regulations. The event included food and beverages, a silent auction, and a golf ball drop. Donors were assigned numbered golf balls which were dropped from a helicopter onto the green, and the ball closest to the pin won a grand prize vacation package.
Hale Makua CEO, Wes Lo; board member, Karen Oura; Administrator for Hale Makua Wailuku, Corey Crismon; and Manager of Healthcare Pathways, Carissa Holley were among those in attendance. “It was an incredible event,” says CEO, Wes Lo. “It is vital that we support our community by investing in the education and training of our nurses here on Maui. With the high demand for nursing staff during the pandemic and the aging population on the island increasing, we need to raise up more nurses every day.”
Around 80 student nurses on Maui benefit from the Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation each year and a few dozen practicing RNs from the hospital also receive funding for continuing education.