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Hale Makua Kahului Earns Honor for Quality
Posted December 23, 2017

Nine skilled nursing homes in Hawaii, including Hale Makua Kahului, have been recognized by the American Health Care Association (AHCA) 2017 Quality Initiative Recognition Program. The Quality Initiative Recognition Program is designed to recognize AHCA nursing center members that demonstrate the attainment of four or more of the AHCA Quality Initiative goals. The goals include a decrease in turnover rates among nursing staff, customer satisfaction, reduction in the number of unintended health care outcomes, safe reduction in the number of hospital readmissions, improvement in discharges back to the community, improvement in functional outcomes, safe reduction of the off-label use of antipsychotics, and safe reduction of hospitalizations.
Hale Makua Kahului was recognized for attainment of four goals: safely reducing hospitalizations among long-stay residents by 15% and maintaining a low rate of 10% or less, improving discharge to the community by 10% and maintaining a rate of at least 70%, improving functional outcomes by 10%, and safely reducing hospitalizations among long-stay residents by 15% and maintaining a low rate of less than 10%.
“Improving quality care as a profession requires dedication from many organizations,” said Mark Parkinson, president and CEO of AHCA/NCAL. “The program provides an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the progress that our members have made by achieving the Quality Initiative goals and improving care for individuals living in their communities. I commend their hard work.”
The nine nursing facilities will be nationally recognized at the AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit in New Orleans on March 12-14. A total of 1,509 skilled nursing centers nationwide attained four or more of the goals.