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HealthCARES Hui Impacts Community During Pandemic
Posted March 20, 2021

Hale Makua played a significant role alongside other local organizations in impacting those affected by COVID-19. Facilitated through County of Maui’s Office of Economic Development and supported by Mayor Victorino’s CARES task force, a hui of nine healthcare organizations in Maui County formed the HealthCARES Hui. The HealthCARES Hui is comprised of Hale Makua Health Services, Malama I Ke Ola Health Center, Hale Mahaolu, Maui Medical Group, Habitat for Humanity, Hui No Ke Ola Pono, Hawaii State Rural Association (Molokaʻi), Lanaʻi Kinaole, East Maui Kupuna Hui. Together, they were awarded $2.3 million from CARES efforts that began mid-year 2020.
As a group, their mission was a countywide collaboration to address current healthcare needs on Maui while planning for the needs of the future. These impacts included delivery of over 30,000 meals sourced from local companies to over 1,000 families in eleven low-income housing complexes, delivery of 7,000 meals to kūpuna and keiki in Hawaiian Homes areas, trained and hired over 30 healthcare positions to serve the Maui community, developed virtual training modules for community health workers, provided PPE, transportation support other essential items for residents in remote areas on Moloka‘i and Lana‘i, and enabled collaborative support for 416 East Maui kūpuna from Kaupo to Keanae with resource packets, isolation units and COVID-19 support teams.
Mahalo to the HealthCARES Hui for all their hard work, and mahalo to the local businesses that were supported through the meal delivery service that were instrumental in making it a success: Restaurant Matsu, Maui Chef Collective, Dani’s Catering, A Saigon Café, Roselani Ice Cream (meal delivery trucks), Albion Soccer Club, Rotary Club, Hungry Homeless Heroes, and various Maui farmers and packaging resources.