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Lei for Honored Fallen Heros
Posted May 25, 2015
Maui County's annual "Blossoms for the Brave" event was held on Friday, May 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the lawn of the Kalana O Maui County Building. Hale Makua Health Services residents have greatly contributed to this event the last three years. Residents made numerous lei before the event, gather flowers from our facility grounds, and sew leis at the event. This year, ten residents and seven staff attended "Blossoms for the Brave."
As a WWII disabled veteran and resident that attended this event, William Wimberley said, "my wife is buried at the Makawao Veterens Cemetery so it has a personal meaning and importance to me to do this in her memory as well as to honor all Veterans." William got teary-eyed when speaking of his beloved wife and remembered the great love she showed in caring for him and hoped that his lei made it to her grave. "The staff that care for me now treat me like a hero," said William of Hale Makua staff.
In the Hawaiian culture, giving a lei represents many things, such as honor, recognition, gratitude, and love. Making of lei is just as important. The feelings one has while gathering flowers and making the lei is felt by those that receive the lei. "Blossoms for the Brave" allows this tradition of lei-making to be carried on.
The feelings of love and gratitude that our residents and volunteers put into making these lei is surely felt. As displayed in the above photo of resident, Jean Saito, and Wailua, this event is a great opportunity for our residents to honor the individuals that defend our freedoms and privileges, connect with old and new friends, and give back to our community.
This event, sponsored by Kaunoa Senior Services, brought together community members and volunteers of all ages to make 2,700 lei that was placed at Makawao Veterans Cemetery for Memorial Day ceremonies. Those present also enjoyed seeing familiar faces, talking story and listening to the sweet sounds of Kevin Kanemoto and Friends.