Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
Meaning Found in Simple Tasks
Posted June 08, 2012
Lanai Neighborhood resident Dolores Villarimo, who prefers to be called Auntie Dolly, likes to keep busy and active and will often tell you “I like to work!” She recently approached CNA Rene Komoda and told her she was very bored. Rene asked her what she would like to do, and she answered “I like to clean.” Rene was just starting to wash tables and carts, so Auntie Dolly joined in and they accomplished the task together. When Nursing Supervisor Chris Casio walked by, she recognized Eden Alternative Principle 6 in action and took a photo. Principle 6 states that “meaningless activity corrodes the human spirit. The opportunity to do things that we find meaningful is essential to human health.” Thanks to Rene for recognizing this need and helping Auntie Dolly add meaning to her day.
Guest post by Connie Miller, Administrator & Eden Educator