Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
My First Resident Council Meeting
Posted March 24, 2010
Yesterday afternoon I was was thrilled to have been invited to speak about some of our new social marketing tools and the quarterly resident newsletter at our Kahului community’s Resident Council. With the newsletter, Ho’olaha, I had never in the almost two years that I’ve been working at Hale Makua Health Services asked residents what they would like to read about in their newsletter, if the font size is large enough, or if they liked to 8.5″ x 11″ size. The overall consensus was that the current newsletter is a good size and the stories were liked.
Vilma Sanchez can up with the excellent idea of adding a word find puzzle to the newsletter, much like the newspaper’s crossword and sodoku puzzles. This way residents would have something else to do with the newsletter once they’re done reading it. The other members of the Resident Council agreed that they liked this idea. So the upcoming Spring ’10 issue of Ho’olaha will now include a word find puzzle in addition to the stories about what they’ve been doing in their Hale Makua communities.
Roberta Kapuaala also have the great suggestion of including residents’ birthdays in the newsletter so that they would know whose birthday is coming up.