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Rehab Therapists Help Walter Recover from a Stroke
Posted April 12, 2019

In January, Walter Brzinski, a vibrant, active 75 year old, went in for a cardiac procedure, but during the procedure, he had a stroke leaving him completely dependent on others for care. With the right side of his body nearly unable to move at all, Walter knew after just a few days at home, that the task of caring for him, was not something he wanted his loving wife of 50 years to endure. He came to Rehab by Hale Makua to receive physical, occupational and speech therapies, and since January 21st, he has worked hard, pushing himself every day, to get home.
When Walter came to Hale Makua, he wasn’t able to care for himself at all, even his most basic needs. He could barely walk, and was unable to bathe himself, brush his teeth, tie his shoes, or dress himself. His speech was impaired, so he couldn't form words or communicate with his caregivers. Now, after about two and a half months, of hard work, Walter is going home. He can take care of his personal care needs on his own, walk independently, and more. “These therapists have been amazing, they worked hard with me to get me to this point. So today, we're celebrate with a pizza party, because I love pizza, and it was only one week ago that I was cleared to eat again. This entire time, I’ve been tube fed. I’m so happy to be going home, but these therapists have been wonderful.”
“Walter’s motivation is what got him to this point. He has worked hard, with a smile on his face every single day since he got here,” says, Occupational Therapist, Candace Takai. During his time with Occupational Therapists, Walter worked on things like widening his range of motion, grasping small objects and learning one-handed techniques for personal care, since his right arm still has weakness. Now, Walter can successfully do all of his personal grooming and care with one hand, like tying his shoes, dressing, and bathing himself. Walter has been on a mission to recover and get back home to his loving wife, he misses their weekly pizza date and her loving companionship.
While all of these therapies played a huge role in getting Walter back on his feet, we want to give special thanks to our Occupational Therapists in honor of April being Occupational Therapy Month. These therapists in our Home Health and Rehab programs work hard to help our residents and clients get back to their daily routines in life through therapeutic exercises that promote independence.