Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
Residents Celebrate Buddha's Birth
Posted April 08, 2016
Domo arigato gozaimashita (thank you very much) to the Maui Hanamatsuri Association for helping residents at Hale Makua Kahului and Wailuku celebrate the holiday of Buddha's birth. For the past 22 years, the Maui Hanamatsuri Association has helped residents honor the holiday by visiting both nursing communities. New to this year's ceremony was a baby Buddha figurine that Reverend John Hara presented to residents, honoring the Buddhist tradition of pouring tea over baby Buddha.
Hana-Matsuri (floral festival) refers to the memorial service performed at temples throughout Japan to celebrate the birth of Buddha on April 8th. On this day, small buildings decorated with flowers are made at temples and a tanjobustu (baby Buddha figurine) is placed inside. This figurine is sprinkled by worshipers using a ladle with ama-cha, which is a beverage made by soaking tea leaves in hot water.
Continuously offering religious services at our communities affords residents the opportunity to engage in meaningful activities, which is essential to human health. Because it isn't feasible for many residents to travel to religious services, we are grateful to the many community organizations that come to Hale Makua, so that residents can continue to remain strong in their diverse beliefs and faith.