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Revisiting Luana’s Vision & Guiding Principles
Posted September 16, 2010
Last week members from our senior management team met to discuss next steps in reinvigorating our Luana journey, starting with the formation of a Sponsor team of eight individuals, a segment of the original Core Team that would create the initial plan and be responsible for ensuring that we complete all of the milestones necessary for completing The Eden Alternative Path to Mastery: The Art of Creating a Caring Community.
In this pre-planning meeting we also reviewed the mission and guiding principles that the Core Team agreed upon last year, which warrants restating here:
The mission of Luana is to create a self-sustaining long-term care village at Hale Makua Health Services that is inviting, lively, inter-generational, educational, and valued as part of the journey of life.
Luana’s guiding principles:
- We are a village with compassion, meaningful engagements, and diversity – the antidotes for loneliness, helplessness and boredom
- We honor our community everyone, every day, and every way by celebrating life and honoring the journey.