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No Subsititute for Wise Leadership
Posted December 24, 2012

During the last week of November, 13 care partners including Olive Bautista, Chris Casio, Jennifer Gardanier, Saundra Gaskey, Janinne Grimes, Tony Krieg, Medardo Lagat, Connie Miller, Gail Raikes, Joyce Tamori, Denise Thayer, Laurie Tomas, and Ted Tucker participated in an intensive five day Eden Alternative training to become Neighborhood Guides. The goal of the training was to equip these care partners with the tools to guide and empower smaller staff teams to become self-directed work teams that change the culture in our homes. These teams will strive to improve the well-being of Elders through compassionate personalized care.
Having these smaller staff teams will make it easier for care partners and Elders to become more well known to each other; to focus more individually on each Elder; to move decision making to the Elders and those closest to them; to create a more home-like environments; and for everyone in the organization to interact meaningfully with Elders.
This is an example of Eden Alternative Principle 10: Wise leadership is the lifeblood of any struggle against the three plagues (of loneliness, helplessness and boredom). For it, there can be no substitute.