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Tip from the Eden Alternative: Entering Elderhood
Posted July 22, 2010
In the Eden Alternative, we have created a unique language. The purpose of transforming the words we use is to help us gain our “Eden Eyes,” so that we not only see the world differently but are inspired to change it as well. One of these words we use in the Eden Alternative, and all of culture change, is the word Elder.
In the Eden Alternative, we define an Elder as someone who by virtue of life experience is here to teach us how to life. In our society, because of our views on aging, Elder is often mixed up with elderly which is not often used as a term of respect. It is not unusual to find people very resistant to the word Elder simply because of this confusion.
It is time in our society to honor and re-establish the role of Elders and Elderhood. That is why the word Elder is so important as we work together to transform the experience of aging. In Dr. Thomas’ book What are Old People For? he speaks to the different phases of life we all pass through. We begin in infancy, then childhood, then adulthood, and if societal views have their way, this is the ultimate phase of life and where we stay until we pass on. So we admire the person of advanced years, who is actively “doing” the things of adulthood. On the flip side, we tend to diminish those who have moved beyond adulthood and chosen to move into Elderhood by valuing “being” more than “doing”.
The movement into Elderhood can occur at any age in our life. It is a sacred and important step in our life’s journey. Those who are partners in the care of someone of who has moved into their Elderhood know the important gifts it brings to their lives. Now, it is our turn to share it with the world. Do not be reluctant to speak to others about Elders, Elderhood and what it means. Educate and involve everyone in the discussion. When someone chooses to move into this phase of life acknowledge and honor their choice. This is just one more way we can work together to create a life worth living for everyone.