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Visit from the Senate Committee on Ways and Means


Mahalo to members of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means for taking the time to visit with us, and listen to areas of opportunity and challenges for healthcare on Maui. We are very grateful for the State funding that Hale Makua Health Services receives through the Grant in Aid program.

Previous Grant in Aid funds totaling $400,000 were used to help individuals without enough or any insurance transition from the hospital to the lower cost, more appropriate care setting of our nursing homes. A total of 765 days of skilled services were provided to these individuals. Had these individuals stayed at the hospital for the same amount of time the cost would have been an estimated $1.15 million.

In addition, a Grant in Aid from fiscal year 2019 will make replacing our obsolete wander guard systems at both nursing homes possible. These systems ensure the safety of our residents, especially those with Dementia.

In attendance were Senators Donovan M. Dela Cruz (Chair), Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran (Vice Chair), Roz Baker, Lorraine R. Inouye, Dru Mamo Kanuha, Sharon Moriwaki, Gil Riviere, Maile Shimabukuro, and Kurt Fevella.