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March 06, 2013

Residents Make Their Own Menu Choices

Resident Ron Irimata likes to eat and he knows exactly what foods he likes. Ron has an individualized menu, so every week he works with carepartner and Resident Relations Coordinator  Edna Hedani ...

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Tags: choices, Eden in action, elder-centered, Food, menu, Principle 8, resident-centered decision making


February 09, 2013

Eden Tree Decorated in Honor of Milestone 1

When Hale Makua Kahului and Wailuku became Eden Registered Homes in 2009, each received an Eden Tree plaque. The Luana Sponsor Team was excited to receive the honor, and when we reached Eden Altern...

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Tags: Eden Alternative, Eden in action, Eden Tree, Elder-centered care, giving care, honoring elders, Principle 4, resident-centered care


February 07, 2013

Residents Select Coffee Blend

Did you know that residents are served the “Hale Makua” blend of Maui Oma coffee? Several years ago, the Nutrition Services team gathered residents together and asked them to participa...

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Tags: Eden Alternative Principle 8, Eden in action, elder-centered, resident directed care

November 07, 2012

Moving Decision-Making Closer to Elders

Hale Makua Wailuku resident William Shigetani’s daughter-in-law brought in bananas for Mr. Shigetani and staff. There were so many bananas care partner and Neighborhood Clerk Lily Vergara tho...

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Tags: Eden in action, honoring elders, Principle 8, resident directed care

September 15, 2012

Resident-Directed Care Creates the Feel of Home

Resident Dave Fichman needed more space for all of his family photos and frames for his loose photos. When he mentioned this to care partner Rhonda Reny, she was eager to help in whatever way she w...

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Tags: Eden in action, home-like environment, Principle 8, resident directed care

September 15, 2012

The Magic of Music

When Lucille Fletcher recently started singing and waving her arms when a jazz musician was performing at Hale Makua Wailuku, many care partners were amazed at how animated she was and how well she...

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Tags: Eden in action, Eden Principle 6, meaningless activity, music


July 20, 2012

Simple Pleasures Learned & Fulfilled

The care partners in the West Neighborhood have committed to finding out what their Elders’ simple pleasures are. Every other week two care partners share two Elders’ simple pleasures. ...

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Tags: Eden in action, Meaningful Activity, Principle 6, simple pleasures, West Neighborhood