Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
July 25, 2013
Supporting Our High School Scholars
Each year Hale Makua residents make lei out of yarn or fabric for the Hawaii Community Foundation. The Foundation helps many people on Maui and one way they do that is offering scholarships for...
May 17, 2013
Hunting for Fun
On Saturday March 23, North Neighborhood at Hale Makua Kahului held an Easter Egg Hunt. Residents, staff, family, and children gathered in the central courtyard of North Neighborhood to celebrate t...
March 06, 2013
Residents Make Their Own Menu Choices
Resident Ron Irimata likes to eat and he knows exactly what foods he likes. Ron has an individualized menu, so every week he works with carepartner and Resident Relations Coordinator Edna Hedani ...
February 07, 2013
Residents Select Coffee Blend
Did you know that residents are served the “Hale Makua” blend of Maui Oma coffee? Several years ago, the Nutrition Services team gathered residents together and asked them to participa...